Should I lie about my body count?

So I(27M) am currently trying to date in my city and a few women do ask me what my body count is and when I tell them its 0, they get very grossed out and just reject me on the spot.

I live in a city where the higher the body count the better. So would it be smart for me to lie about my body count so that they will find me more appealing?

EDIT: I didn't expect this thread to explode lol.

EDIT #2: I'm gonna be honest with myself and stay true to myself if they ask. I apologize for using the word "body count" , it's a word that people use and I never heard of it until people started saying it in my city. In addition I agree with most people that this isn't an appropriate question to ask and if they have asked me this question and I just won't tell them or say 0. The comments are very divided here, however more people have said to stay to true to myself and that's what I'm gonna go with. Thank you everyone for the advice. I wish you all the best of luck!