My [26M] girlfriend [24F] of 7 months has never initiated physical intimacy

I never post on here, hence my throwaway account, but I’m at a point where I’m in desperate need of some outside advice.

My girlfriend and I met on Bumble around 10 months ago, and have been official for a little over 7 months. Ever since we met, it’s as if we were the same person. She’s gorgeous, we have similar passions, we’re both awkward in our own unique ways, even our major life events have been surprisingly parallel to each other. Early on, we had so much to talk about. She’s someone who grew up in the country, while I grew up in the city (I know, someone call up Hallmark). But lately, It feels as though I’m not having some of my needs met. And by lately, I mean since the beginning.

Our love languages are different. She’s an acts of service and gifts girl, while my love languages are physical touch and quality time. Now I know love languages are mostly never a reason to end a relationship if they don’t match up exactly. That’s what compromise is for after all. However, I feel as if there is 0 effort put in by her on the physical touch front.

I’ve had my fair share of past relationships. Some lasting just a few months and others lasting up to 1-2 years. In all of those relationships, I had felt like my girlfriend wanted me physically. And I didn’t quite understand why until dating my current girlfriend.

She has NEVER in our 10 months of knowing each other, initiated a kiss, sex, or anything physical. Even initiating hugs were a problem until a couple months ago.

To me, this is completely different than any other girl I’ve dated. I’ve communicated this to her, saying how It would make me feel loved and appreciated if every now and then you would, for example, lean over and kiss me randomly, or take my hand and hold it just because. Just something to make me feel as if I’m dating a human being with needs as my own.

Despite bringing this up multiple times, she still has yet to do anything. So I’ve been slowly losing feelings to the point where I’m questioning staying with her.

I know something like this can improved, but if there has been no signs of effort in 5 months of me bringing this up to her, I’m concerned I may never get the physical affection I want.

Currently, I’m at the point where I’ve stopped initiating with her to see if she will initiate. It’s been 2 and a half months since we’ve kissed more than a peck, or had sex.

She says she enjoys sex when she has it, and she usually finishes more than I do, but her sex drive is extremely low. Her medication she’s on lowers it even more. And when we do have sex, it’s extremely vanilla. I do most of the work unless she’s on top (which I do appreciate), but things like oral, nope, she won’t do. Which is different than any girl I’ve ever dated.

She said she had her “hoe phase” so it doesn’t seem like she’s shy about this. Though when I do mention sexual topics she changes the subject quickly. She’s also never been sexually abused. I can see where people might jump to that conclusion so I’ll end that right now.

Honestly, we’ve talked about moving in together soon because my lease is almost up. But I’m afraid I will be stuck in a bad situation if I go through with that.

Other things on my mind is it feels as if we have nothing to talk about, which is a little scary considering it’s only been 10 months. She doesn’t want kids, to point of wanting to get her tubes tied, and I’m on the fence. I’m of the mindset that I didn’t know the things I want now 3 years ago, so It’s hard to predict that I will never want kids for the rest of my life, and her getting sterilized will mean I can’t change my mind (that’s her body and her choice and I stand behind that, though I might not be here when she makes that choice).

So I need advice in order to help put me over the hump in either direction.

tl;dr My girlfriend of 7 months has never initiated physical touch despite me bringing it up multiple times. We’re in a transitionary phase in life and want to make the right decision before we are both in a potentially toxic situation.