Does anyone else fake their political beliefs around others just to keep peace?

I live in the US so I apologize to those of you who don’t live here and can’t exactly relate. But basically I’m an extreme Trump hater, and generally I don’t like US presidents or politicians in general, so therefore I don’t like the democratic side, Joe Biden, or Kamala Harris at all either, I hate them as much as trump.

Unfortunately there’s so many trump supporters both in my family and at my work place. So any time they talk about Trump, I pretend to love him, I act like he’s my favorite person in the world, and I pretend to agree with people who like him and his policies just to please those people and not start fights with these clowns.

I’ve even told many trump supporters that he is my favorite president in US history and that I’ve never been more happy, even though I think he’s the worst president in US history tied with Biden and truly I’ve never been more depressed in my life. But then again I’m also a misanthrope and anti American, so maybe that’s why my political views are very different from most Americans. Sorry just wanted to rant because I’m bored