adopt me cash for ride pots and legendaries!:)

just what the title says, trading adopt me cash for legendaries, neon legendaries, good ultras, ride potions, fly potions, pet handler certificates, etc just let me know if there's anything specific you wanna trade! I'm doing 1000 per point on elve unless you wanna negotiate (for example, ride pot with 1.1 points would be 1,100)

specifically looking for the following: - mushroom friend (making mega rn so as many as I can get!) - honey badger - moon eggs - love bird - king bee - queen bee - sunglider - dimension drifter - unicorn - golden penguin - ride potion - fairy bat dragon - strawberry shortcake bat dragon - chocolate chip bat dragon - nessie - sugar glider - golden hummingbird - puptune - frost fury - sweetheart rat - raccoon - field mouse - fly potion - pigeon - cupid dragon

remember any offer is fine as long as we both agree, it doesn't just have to be what I listed above!:)