I feel inatequite about the kill-teams and it has got me thinking. (this is a rant. If there was a flair that said "malding" it would be for this post)

The title may or may not be inaccurate but i do have a few things i wanna get off my chest. Games workshop, as a company, is not gonna give us anything new for at least 2-3 years. It's a truth. A sad truth but a truth. I get the hoping that they'll finally add a kill-team and tbh the rumor engine is very misleading. Why they didn't show a khorne symbol instead of a mechanical leg is beyond me. But i think it's because we are such a niche faction that GW will not pay attention enough to the minority that is the Admech players.

And what attention we are given from the horus heresy. Which we can't use in 40k because they wanna keep the models seperate. It's not that i don't understand it because having an organisation from your games makes sense. But why is it that important? You could give the HH mechanicum units 40k datasheets and then sell even more models through that. That's what GW wants right?

It's not that i really care anymore. I've been playing AOS for the past year now and the latest edition of AOS have given me the best times i've played in warhammer. But it has left my admech collection collecting dust and being unpainted because i can't find myself to reason why i should paint them. But ouh well. Hopefully one day in the far future i'll be able to paint up my skitarii and take them to a game without feeling inatequite. But we still have the most destinct army in the game.

I have no structure in this post and i really don't care. 10th edition have ruined my interest in 40k by destroying the rules of my 2 only armies (custodes is the other one) and i hope to see you all again in 11th. Thanks.

Tl:dr: Malding and addressing how we should handle news going forward