The Village of Fowl Devotees Tyranny

I just noticed that the flags in the courtroom of the Village of Fowl Devotees look like Nazi flags if you ever so slightly squint, or if it’s just shown in a wide shot which shows less detail of the flags. These are the details to add when adapting literature to screen.

The Village of Fowl Devotees uses “it takes a village” to mean “you do as the village says, or else”, which is how dictatorships are seeded and grown, and the quasi-Nazi flags in the VFD courtroom acknowledge and emphasis that point.

While so many book-to-screen adaptations cut things from the book because it’s inconvenient for time, or doesn’t quite translate visually, there are many instances where visual mediums can enhance the written reference with imagery that is difficult to display in text.

I rarely notice visual media enhancing texts by including pertinent visuals, and I’m impressed that the ASOUE show put so much thought into the translation from text to visual, and prioritized what can be gained from it rather than what is conventionally lost.

There are many other instances of this thought process throughout the show and it always blows me away.