Women’s ideal penis size. PLEASE READ
A study from the University of California and the University of New Mexico took 75 women, aged between 18 and 65, and presented them with 33 different-sized 3D penis models made of rigid, blue plastic.
The results found that the average preference was for a penis that measured 6.3 inches in length and 4.8 inches in girth for long term partners. For a one night stand, the average plastic penis the women chose was slightly larger, measuring 6.4 inches and 5.0 inches in girth.
Please don’t get brainwashed into thinking women want these monster porn dicks. It’s not true. Yes according to this study the desired dick is above average in length and slightly above average in girth. But if you are doing PE, you don’t have to shoot for an 8 incher either. I think most guys with a consistent and dedicated regimen can hit those numbers starting at average or below average measurements.
My next literature review is going to be “Does size actually matter”. Be on the look out in the next few days. Going to do a science based review.
As always good luck on the PE journey.
Edit: Keep in mind this is ONE study which is actually a small sample population. Also this is AVERAGE Penis meaning. Aka Take all measurements. Add them up. Then divide by number of samples. MEAN or MODE would also be helpful information to know the most often preferred size or size that was in the middle of the distribution of data. But this is actual data. It’s not perfect but some of the best we have sadly. It makes me happy to see some of y’all dissecting this paper on its many scientific flaws :)