AITH for panicking over possibly giving my bf son a disease?🦠

My boyfriend and I are both divorced parents. We see each other when we can, given the relationship is only around a year old and we are both recent divorcees.

I found out I have MRSA, and his son is immunocompromised. I asked my doctor how to handle things with my boyfriend and his son and she instructed me to tell them to bleach everything and use antibacterial soap, and also to consult the son’s pediatrician immediately.

Relayed all of this to a mutual friend, who said I’m overreacting because of my health anxiety, and thinks I’m subconsciously making my own issues about my boyfriend’s son. She said what I should’ve done is deal with it on my own, and that texting my boyfriend with instructions from the PA is very aggressive & imposing.

I haven’t dated in over a decade. Love the man I’m seeing so far, haven’t even met his kids yet. Am I making this about me? Am I subconsciously looking for attention? Is it creepy I asked the urgent care PA for advice on his son who I’ve never met? (I don’t think so but need someone to check me…) thanks!