AITA for stealing Nancy Landgrabb’s husband, marrying him, and making her the Sim of Honor at our wedding?

I (27f) was at the gym working out on the treadmill. Then I ran across Nancy Landgrabb’s handsome husband, Geoffrey. I more than anything wanted Geoffrey to be mine, but he was married to Nancy. Therefore, I talked to him for a bit and suggested that he reconsider his marriage to Nancy. He agreed and went home to divorce her. Nancy had a very sad moodlet, but she’s still alive, so I’m sure she’s fine. I then went on a couple dates with Geoffrey, gave him a bunch of flirts and hand holding, and regularly woohooed with him. He then proposed to me and we planned our wedding. When choosing a Sim of Honor, I thought, “Who better than Nancy?!” We had our wedding with her and a couple other Sims present, and Geoffrey and I are happily married. I do hope Nancy had a decent time, though. AITA?