AITA for snatching her phone and shoving my(35f) bf's(36m) daughter(16f)?
Throwaway for privacy reasons. I have been dating my bf adam for little over 2 years now. We were friends in college but drifted apart as time went on. We met again at a mutual friend's wedding and since then had been inseperable. He got divorced about 3 years ago and has a daughter lily (15f) from previous marriage. I have tried being friendly with her but after many failed attempts i decided to just be coordial.
To put it simply, lily hates me and lets me know every chance she gets. When she does anything disrespectful adam always have my back but that just makes her resent me more.
For context- me and adam were in same friend group in college and i was this very introverted, ugly girl and adam was one of the very few who actually cared about me. He then met vicky at a party, and later started dating. Eventually we lost contact.
Adam said the divorce was initiated by him due to vicky's reckless overspending and toxic nature, so no there was no infidelity involved. I never talked to vicky in person but i do know she looks down upon me and that's prob why lily also thinks her behaviour is ok. According to her i was "a fat ugly bitch who would be wagging my tail and following my now bf like a puppy during university" and that "no wonder i came back and must be happy he is divorced now so i could shoot my shot". There were several other very hurtful remarks about my personal life, which her bio mom, vicky, prob told her. Adam always disciplines lily for her actions and tried to get her to therapy but nothing worked.Things went out of hand last weekend however.
I got a call from adam saying his mother fell ill and he needs to be there asap but has nobody to look after lily so asked if i could stay in the house for a day. Vicky was out of state too for a friend's wedding and adam had nobody else to rely on so i agreed. Everything was going alright but then i fell asleep for a bit. I woke up, and went to get water but saw lily laughing while looking at her phone. I didn't pay much attention however while going back i glanced and saw what looked like my picture. I freaked out and asked her what she was doing with my picture. She immediately hid the phone and got defensive so i asked her to show me. She refused, and i was very freaked out at that point (i had some incident where someone took hidden pictures of me in the past and that had left me with some trauma) so i snatched her phone, and locked myself in the bathroom with her phone.
She ran behind me and kept on banging the door but i started going through her groupchat and i saw that she had taken many pictures of me without my knowing, edited them to make it funny and lewd and had been sharing them with her friends. Last picture was of me asleep and she had edited it too so it looked nude and had said very vulgur stuff about me. I ss them and sent to my phone, then sent some to adam asking her to come asap as i couldn't be there anymore after this. The moment i opened the door i got punched in the face and lily jumped on me, trying to hit me and even spit on my face. I was very taken aback and in an instinct i shoved her that made her fall and she hit her head a bit. It took me a moment to realise what happened but by then she had started yelling and crying saying i hit a minor and that i will "pay" for it. She called her mom who then sent me a really nasty text threatening she will call the police.
Adam came shortly after and he was livid seeing me in that state. I left his place without saying anything as fast as i could. Adam had been calling me since then but i have not taking any calls because all that was just so mentally draining for me i just couldn't.I understand its not adam's fault, but I don't even know what to do moving forward.
TLDR- accidently shoved my bf's daughter and now i feel lost.