AITAH for not liking my best friend?

This is going to be a long and confusing post, so I'll start from the beginning.

I used to be in a friend group of 5 (including me). Let's call them all Anna, Sally, May and Brooke (the names aren't real). One day, Brooke bought up a discussion about who our first best friends were. Brooke said May, May said Brooke, Sally and I said 2 different people who we broke up with and Anna said Sally. This isn't the problem though, Anna is. Anna joined 2-3 years ago, and when she joined, she had no friends, so I went up to her and said 'let's be friends', and she agreed. We played a lot together, until Sally wanted to become friends with Anna. Sally and Anna became best friends, and always played together. Trios never work out, so I went to play with other kids. Her first friend was never Sally, it was me.

So, fast forward to December 2024, Brooke and May have left the school, and Sally is leaving the school soon. When we found out that Sally was leaving, Anna started crying, and she is quite emotional, but what really got on my nerves is that she has only been friends with Sally for 2 1/2 years, where as I have been friends with Sally for 7 years. Then, everyone in my class found out she was crying, and went over to comfort her. I guess you could say I got jealous. I went up to Anna and said, 'hey, it's okay, we are all sad about her leaving', and then everyone went like, 'why would you say that, she is clearly devastated she is leaving'. I got really annoyed and just left the situation alone.

The next day, we asked Sally what was going on, and she explained why she was leaving. Then, once again, Anna got really emotional and started saying 'Oh, i'm really going to miss you'. I then said 'me too, Anna, let's really value our time with Sally while she is still here'. Then Anna replied saying 'okay, but I always value the time with her'.

Some rude things Anna has done ever since we got the Sally's leaving news:

After Anna found out she was moving, she started spending more time with Sally and often left me feeling excluded. For example, when I mentioned Sally’s YouTube video, Anna immediately said 'Yes, I watched it, it was so cool', then later said 'Oh, I haven't watched it yet'. When Sally was handing out Christmas cards, Anna acted overly protective of Sally, and when I turned to other friends for support, they just ignored me. And when Anna handed out Christmas cards, she commanded us to find where each person was and let her or Sally give it to the person, not me. And then, Anna's crush's card came up and I said 'there _____ is', and Anna blushed and said to him 'oh, hey _____, here's your card, hehe'. Wth was that? She would also always roll her eyes at me whenever I had to work with him or was sitting less than 2 seats away from him.

At Anna’s birthday party, I gave her thoughtful gifts, but she dismissed them, saying she preferred dinosaurs. Later, during the Christmas production, I was disappointed when she got the main role despite her pretty bad performance. On another occasion, when a friend asked about my upcoming birthday, Anna interrupted to talk about herself and her interests.

The worst one though is that when Anna opened her Christmas card from Sally, Sally wrote 'thank you for being my bestest, best friend forever!' or something like that, but on my card from Sally, she wrote 'thank you for being my friend!'. Now I know both of them don't like me. I barely get a chance with Sally or Anna.

These aren't all of the incidents with Anna and me though, I can list many. Ever since the news that Sally was leaving, Anna started to push me out, started to ignore me and became very clingy to Sally. Whenever I showed her something I sewed ( I like sewing), she would always say, 'Oh, cool', and start messing around with it, like running with it, or dropping it. I asked her to stop, and she said 'Why? You never join in the fun'.

I've always had a strange feeling about Anna, even when we were in a friend group of 5. She wasn't always with me, and always had an excuse to be with Sally. When we played games (in our group of 5), I was the one left out, and had to join either Sally and Anna's group, or Brooke and May's group. Odd number groups don't work for me, they never have.

So now, I don't like Anna, I hate Anna. I am scared to be stuck with her once Sally leaves. I get angry easily, and I think Anna has noticed that I am getting a bit frustrated when they leave me out, and I also don't talk to her as often. I don't want to get in trouble, especially if Anna tells on me, as most teachers are always proud of her, and I don't want her to get upset in front of Sally. It's just frustrating to deal with Anna, she always wants to know things, is super nosy and annoying, and doesn't even want to be my friend.

So.. AITAH for not liking Anna?