What's your go-to to keep your ADHD in check?
Like, what do you do to keep your symptoms low? Apart from medication I mean. Personally I use music. Almost every free minute I have is spent by listening to music, more specifically extreme metal. I think it just strikes that sweetspot for me. The fast pace of the songs, the constant shifts in speed and pitch, the insane vocal techniques, sudden breakdowns and mind bending instrumentals keep my brain occupied just right so I can use the rest of it to focus better on a given task. Listening to it also calms me down and let's me relax. When I have my music playing it kinda drowns out the usual thought traffic that otherwise won't shut up. Instead of having to look at every thought that's coming at me, I can just look at the mental images that the songs give me. It's like an ad-block for my brain.
What do you people do to get a sort-of break?