"It was just a survey"

If you are defending the recent actions of Jagex, by saying "It wAs jUsT a SuRvEy" I ask you this: Do you, or does anyone actually think that this survey was necessary in any way? Do you think even anyone at Jagex or CVC really though so?

They just recently upped the membership prices and people didn't like that. People also felt it was unjustified, because they don't have any sort of customer service available. Except the one with the bot, with bad odds for good user experience. It is impossible to contact a real human, in almost any case a currently long time paying customer would be having a problem.

So people are already on edge with how much they are now paying compared to what they are getting. Jagex also promised last time on December that they are already working actively on getting better customer support going. Jagex is also making hundreds of millions in profit.

Then they get the master idea to survey if players would like to get ads while paying, lower afk times, get rid of RuneLite and all the useful plugins they offer, to have the option to pay more to get some of those back. As a cherry on top, you could pay 32$/month to get access to customer support and account security. Honestly: WTF?

So I repeat my self: do you think they actually could have thought that they really do need to survey this, to know players opinion about it?

No they did not. This is part of the door-to-face, or what ever it's called, business strategy where they first offer you something absolutely bad, and after that something still bad, but better so you would feel better accepting it. To get you to accept more easily something, that you would have not accepted at all, if they would have offered that in the first place, without offering the ludicrous offer first.

In this case it looks like the actual thing they wanted to get through, was the ads and shorter afk times to f2p. Most likely to make f2p even less fun, to push f2p players who kind of enjoy the game, to subscribe to membership.

Only thing that went wrong here, is that the first offer that was supposed to be "kind of too bad to go through", was actually infuriatingly bad to most players.

And here we are.

Say no today, say no tomorrow, vote with your wallets people. Make our opinion loud and clear, so this kind of ridiculously ludicrous suggestions are not thrown at us in the future.