The dysfunction between Scott and his mom

There are definitely people out there who know more about dysfunctional relationships and personality disorders/mental health issues than I do, so if you have any insights, chime in. But the scene before Scott's surgery stood out to me. For Scott to tell his mom she "Gets to pull the plug" if something happens was an interesting choice of words.

First of all, we've seen Scott be dramatic with his mom since Day 1 of this season. But to put the responsibility of essentially pulling the plug on her is excessive on his part. Plus that's not how advanced directives work. It's not HER decision, it's HIS. Thats why he's leaving it in writing beforehand. Him telling her she's pulling the plug is essentially telling her, if something bad happens to me during this surgery, it's your fault and you get to make the ultimate decision. It feels like he's resentful that he has to have the surgery (AKA give up eating) and he wants to make her feel bad about it.

But the confusing thing is that as much as Scott seems to fight his mom and seems to want to hurt her, she is also the first person he wants to tell news to and the person he seems to rely on the most.

I wonder if the weight loss will help improve their relationship or will it worsen whatever weird dynamic they have going on now the the comfort of food has been removed.