Sabo is balanced

You are all worried about his skill having no cool down and being able to be used while capping. His counter is similar to G5 though and can be negated by timing your attacks. If Sabo just spams it, it will be like a G5 spamming his counter.

And his 50% def increase only activates after the first hit. This means that he can still get one shotted by galaxy impact.

The characters he counters are Kaido, Kuzan, and S Snake. But honestly, it's not like Droger meta because if the defenders are skilled, then can take him down, though it's more in Sabos favour's since his counter has no cool down. Remember it stops capping and the counter is like g5, where if you time it, you attack him freely. Kuzan also has increased damage by 500% to objects in case he activates his counter and has a 60% hp removal for Sabo. It's still in Sabos favour however.

Sadly, it seems like Sabo will counter Lucci. He has no hold normal and he'll be hard to hit since you can't aim at him. He has total status null as well. Additionally, he has 50% reduced damage against Lucci and 80% inc damage on normals while ignoring stagger.