Do you think my high-school crush likes me??

I am currently a student in high school and I thought that this may be the best way to reach out and see what other think. There is a girl I have been having a crush on for almost my entire time at this school and there is just something so special about her, her personality, looks, the way she responds to things, etc. I have never gotten this feeling from anyone else and I feel confidently that she is the one. Recently this year I have been getting many possible hints, but im awful at seeing them in the moment sometimes until I rethink about them later. I will run down a list of things that I have noticed and picked up on.

Possible Hints that she likes me:

  • We share a only 2 classes together, but within those 2 classes we talk very often, especially within our ceramics class. One thing I noticed is that she always tries to be interactive with me in many ways unlike the way she acts when her friends are at the table with us. I sit closest to her btw. We share tools and stuff unlike everyone else, we always help each other and interact in a way she doesnt even interact with some her girl friends. Whenever its just us at the table "like if everyone else at our table were absent that day" she would tell me alot of her personal life and things she would not share with anyone else. She has also mentioned about being lonely and how she lost alot of friends and stuff etc.
  • Next, one day we had gotten these forms to fill out for ordering stuff and on the front was a picture of a dude that looks basically like me, same hair style, similar features and everything, and she pointed it out to me and said that was her type. "could be a huge hint" also her ex that she dated like a year before, which is now a great friend of mine looks like me also, so maybe Im her type.
  • Also, before school starts she has started to come and find me and pull me away from my friends and we would walk to class and stuff together.
  • Sometimes she can also get touchy, and randomly she will "run into me" like in a playful way, full body on.
  • I am always making her laugh and it seems like when we are around each other the mood heightens a bit.
  • Also caught on that sometimes she talks to one of her guy friends "btw they dont like each other it is confirmed" and when I walk past they always call me over "usually the guy calls me" and then me and the girl start talking and he lets us walk of together. One day I was sitting at a different table in the cafeteria and noticed her and the guy looking at me while talking to each other. Maybe she has told him about me, not to sure though.
  • She has also started to walk with me to classes she never did before. Before she would walk with her girl friends and stuff.
  • We make really good eye contact and she will kind of smile and It always makes me melt inside lmao
  • Sometimes I will walk into class and when I approach she looks me up and down a few times "in a good way"
  • Something I noticed today is that when I was walking with one of my friends to a class, I saw her behind me and one of her friends called to her from my right side. Instead of her just going to her, she went down this other part of the sidewalk where we would meet at a point and we would be forced to walk past eachother and we both ended up looking at eachother and making eye contact and smiling etc. and just went on
  • I am pretty sure she has liked me in the past. For example my freshman year, my friend was throwing a party at his house and a few days before it the girl I like and her best friend added me up on snap, on the same day, around the exact same time, and keep in mind I didnt really know her then. After the party happened a few days later, my friend that was friends with her at the time said I was starring at her and stuff and if I like her I should ask her out and what not, trying to push me to ask her, even though it never happened. Even after freshman year I had a feeling she liked me as she always tried making contact but seemed a little akward at it.

Signs that give me a different feeling as if she does not like me:

  • First, we dont really talk at all out of school. Every now and then we will snap but thats about it. She doesnt even open my pictures snaps. Although when I text something, she responds like straight away, no hesitation. When she does open my snaps though after like a damn month, "sometimes less" she will usually send full face kissing face type of pics.
  • She sometimes mentions other guys and how they are "bad" and what not

After reading all that, can yall let me know what yall think about all of this. I didnt list everything, but I list a majority of things I have caught onto. I have a feeling that she does like me and I should ask her, but I also have a bad feeling and I dont want anything to happen between us if she doesnt. We have know eachother for a long time and I dont want it to be akward af. Let me know yalls thoughts on it and feel free to ask questions I can probably answer so I can figure this out and get some better advise. And please feel free to offer any advice and advice on how I can up my confidence majorly.