Did they patch the free last wish chest?
It's apex's cake Day ! what was your favorite season?
What title should i go for to get guardian rank 8 im not close on any of them and i need help 🥲
Okay this is ridiculous now
Podcast Watch time
Am I going crazy or is weightgate back in iron banner?
That’s one way to end a flawless…
Wild Style GL
How much do you genuinely use chat gpt for your assignments?
The best trials player to ever do it
Warlock exotics
So they removed Wallet Funds and I can't even redeem a game?
B-but it just came out...😭
Is prophecy farmable?
Xur’s Strange Engram rank rewards not dropping at listed power level.
Imugi winrate shouldent be this high.
New player here, was gifted valuable items that I don't know if I should sell.
Should I even try applying for Manchester when I haven’t done an epq, 4th alevel, ncs etc?..
I’ve never seen a 71 stat roll.
The lightsaber weapons are p2w
Looking for an active 18+ LGBTQ group
For those playing years and years, what do you do?
Are any of the reprised Reckoning weapons worth focusing?
How do i complete this triumph
I've got a week to get superblack. Is it possible?